Crafting Memorable Welcome Messages: Engaging Your Customers from the Start

Kailey Boucher Author Bio

Kailey BoucherContent Marketing Specialist

Discover six attractive welcome messages for your small business's customers that will get them excited to work with you.
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Accessing products and services these days is easier than ever. You only need a device connected to the Internet to find whatever you want. For customers, this easy access to products and customer service is a good thing. For businesses, particularly small ones, and start-ups, it means more challenging competition.

As a small business, you have to go above and beyond to win the competition. But how do you do that?

Providing quality products and excellent customer service is already given. But there’s another thing you can do to increase the chance of consumers choosing your business instead of your competitors–send a well-crafted welcome message.

Have you ever experienced feeling happy and excited when someone says hello to you when you check out a new store? Well, that’s also what a welcome SMS or email does for customers. It’s like a special greeting that makes them want to stay to learn more about your business.

In this article, you will find everything you need to learn about welcome messages, including SMS and email, for customers and more.

What is a welcome message?

A welcome message is a brief communication or greeting extended to individuals or groups when they first interact with a business. This interaction may happen on a website, or even a social media platform. However, there’s more to it than meets the eye. The convention is not limited to welcoming somebody.

You can use welcome messages for many other purposes, like the following:

  • Generating quality leads
  • Onboarding visitors to your application or website
  • Informing customers about your new products
  • Turning loyal customers into brand ambassadors
  • Moving potential customers down the sales funnel
  • Sending appointment reminders or payment reminders
  • Follow up and reduce cart abandonment
  • Confirming credit card purchases for first-time customers

You can also use various channels, such as email, text messages, or a dedicated customer portal, to deliver your welcome messages.

As long as you craft the messages carefully, it can help create a positive first impression, establish a connection with leads, and foster a sense of trust and loyalty. By sending a greeting message, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction and create a foundation for long-lasting and fruitful relationships.

Benefits of Sending a Welcome Message

As a small business, you want to have a constant flow of new customers. You need customers so you can generate profit and eventually grow your business. You have probably already invested in various marketing strategies to find new leads, including local business advertising.

Generating leads and converting them into customers is a necessary process. But don’t focus on that process alone. Building relationship with your customers is just as important, as this keeps them loyal to your brand. You can start nurturing business-customer relationships by sending them welcome SMS or email messages.

Here are many other benefits of sending a welcome or greeting message to your small business customers:

1. Increased engagement.

A welcome message is an excellent opportunity to initiate a conversation and connect with your customers. Studies have found that a welcome message can boost customer engagement by 33%.

By reaching out to new users promptly, you can capture their attention and generate early engagement. This engagement can lead to further interactions, such as exploring products or services, subscribing to newsletters, or following social media accounts. Ultimately, increased engagement enhances the chances of converting new leads into paying customers.

What’s great is that you can automate sending a welcome greeting message to new customers by integrating it into your email marketing or SMS marketing strategies. Digital marketing platforms can send these messages in bulk based on the triggers you choose.

2. Fosters a sense of belonging.

By acknowledging and appreciating your new customers, you can make them feel like part of a community. This sense of belonging encourages customers to develop a connection with the brand, leading to increased customer loyalty and advocacy.

3. Sets expectations and guides users.

A welcome message is an excellent opportunity to set clear expectations and guide customers on how to navigate your offerings. You can provide information on important features, benefits, and even your special offers. You can also send links to tutorials and other customer support resources.

By offering guidance and making the onboarding process smooth and intuitive, customers will feel more confident using your products or services, reducing any potential friction or confusion.

If you are not convinced about the power of welcome messages, consider these statistics. A welcome message can boost customer engagement by 33%. Welcome messages sent via email increase revenue by 320 per cent, while sending the business greeting via chatbot can save your business around $8 billion annually.

How to Write an Attractive Welcome Message for Customers

When it comes to welcome messages, sending “Hi” or “Hello, welcome to [store]” won’t catch your customer’s attention. It’s generic and does not offer any value. If you want to reap all the benefits of a welcome message, pick the right words and craft the message carefully.

Here are some of the best practices to help you create the perfect welcome message for your customers:

Personalise the message.

The majority of customers these days appreciate personalisation. So if you want to catch your target audience’s attention and boost open rates, tailor the message to the recipient. Include the customer’s name or relevant details to make them feel valued and acknowledged.

Personalisation creates a sense of individual attention and connection. It demonstrates that you understand their needs and are ready to provide relevant information or assistance.

Use warm and friendly language.

A welcoming tone sets the right atmosphere and creates a friendly and approachable image. Choose words that convey warmth, positivity, and enthusiasm. Make the recipient feel comfortable and excited about engaging with your organisation or community. Avoid jargon or complex language that might confuse or alienate the reader.

Keep it concise and focused.

Attention spans are short, so keeping your welcome message concise and to the point is crucial. Highlight the most important information, such as the purpose of the message, key benefits, or next steps. Focus on what the recipient can gain or achieve by joining your community or organisation. Avoid overwhelming the reader with excessive details or lengthy paragraphs.

Incorporate one call-to-action (CTA).

Incorporating a call to action in your welcome message to customers is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it sets the tone for proactive engagement, inviting customers to take the next step. By including a clear call to action, such as signing up for a newsletter, exploring products, or contacting support, you guide customers towards desired actions and increase their chances of further engagement.

Unfortunately, creating an effective welcome greeting can be tricky. You may spend hours finding the right words and trying to keep the message concise. When things get overwhelming, check out greeting examples from brands in the real world.

6 Best Welcome Message Examples

Find inspiration from these six welcome messages from real brands:

Shopify: Welcome Message Example for Retail Customers

Shopify: Welcome Message Example for Retail CustomersSource

Shopify is one of the leading e-commerce platforms these days. They made this welcome email all about reconnecting with their customers by asking for feedback. Requesting customer feedback is one of the good ways of reconnecting with customers. Plus, you’ll get to know what your customers think about you.

In this welcome message example, the content isn’t entirely about welcoming the customer. Instead, it tells the recipient how they can benefit from filling out the survey. The message is concise but respectful. The limited time frame given for the survey and the draw also creates a sense of urgency.

You can also do the same for your retail business. Feedback email messages are a great way to collect qualitative opinions from customers after a successful checkout, a chat session, a product demonstration, and even after a ticket resolution. Welcome Message Example for Home Services Customers Welcome Message Example for Home Services Customers


Have you ever visited a website and suddenly a message pops up either welcoming you to the website or asking you what they can do to help? These pop-up messages are something you can also adopt.’s welcome message using a chatbot is a great example. It does not mention the audience’s name in the welcome text, but it offers a free sample of their product. Offering freebies is a surefire way to appeal to customers and keep them engaged.

And choosing a chatbot to relay the message ensures that the business won’t miss any opportunity. Chatbots will always be present on your website, even after business hours. And these days, it’s very easy to incorporate one into your site.

Trello: Welcome Message Example for Professional Services Customers

Trello: Welcome Message Example for Professional Services Customers


One of the best ways to welcome customers is to provide a value bomb in their inbox like Trello did. Trello personalised their welcome message by using the recipient’s first name. They also included an easy-to-understand description of the product. But the best thing about this welcome greeting is that the customer gets links to valuable resources.

The customer will likely appreciate being pointed in the right direction, especially when it’s their first time using your services. It’s great to have all the information you need in one email.

Evil Queen: Welcome Message Example for E-commerce Customers

Evil Queen: Welcome Message Example for E-commerce Customers


Cart abandonment is a massive challenge for e-commerce stores. Over 70% of shoppers tend to abandon their carts, which is why marketing professionals typically include an cart abandonment email in their marketing mix.

If cart abandonment is also your problem, consider crafting and sending attractive cart abandonment emails like Evil Queen did. The store did not just remind their customers about their abandoned carts but offered a discount. A customer who wants to save money will appreciate getting discounts on the current or next purchase.

Dropbox: Welcome Message for Referral Customers

Dropbox: Welcome Message for Referral Customers


Customers who are referred to your business have a 16% higher customer lifetime value than others. If you want more customers to refer your services, giving out discounts or incentives for every referral can help.

In this example from Dropbox, the company implemented a loyalty program of sorts and rewarded their customers with more storage space for every successful referral. With this strategy, the company has seen a massive increase in users in just about a year.

Midi Bridal: Welcome “Back” Message for Returning Customers

Midi Bridal: Welcome “Back” Message for Returning Customers


You can send welcome messages twice to your customers: one when they first find your business and the other when they return to your website. When a customer comes back to your side, they may be considering a repeat purchase. Sending a “welcome back” message may give them the push they need to buy what they came for.

Midi Bridal’s welcome-back message is a great example because it’s concise but it offers value.

6 Welcome Message Templates

While there are many incredible greetings examples, crafting your own can still get a bit intimidating. So here are a few templates you can use for specific purposes:

Customer Onboarding Welcome Message

“Welcome to [Company Name]! We’re thrilled to have you on board.

Get ready to unlock a world of possibilities with [product/service]. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help you every step of the way. Start exploring and enjoy the journey!”

Website Sign-up Welcome Message

“Hi [Customer First Name]! Welcome to our community! By signing up, you’ve joined a vibrant network of like-minded individuals who share your passion for [common interest]. Explore our forums, connect with fellow members, and explore the resources available to improve your experience.

We’re thrilled to have you as part of our community. Enjoy your journey with us!”

Email Newsletter Welcome Message

“Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!

We’re committed to delivering high-quality content to inspire and inform you about [topic/industry]. Stay tuned for our upcoming newsletters, and be sure to check out our blog for more resources.

Welcome to our newsletter community!”

Social Media Welcome Message

“Thanks for joining us on [Social Media Platform]! We’re thrilled to have you as part of our online community. Prepare for a feed filled with inspiring content, exciting updates, and engaging conversations. Connect with fellow followers, share your thoughts, and let us know what resonates with you.

Welcome to our social media family!”

Welcome Message for Returning Customer

“We’re thrilled to have you back, [name]. Your continued trust and support mean the world to us.

As you already know, our priority is to provide you with exceptional products and services. Whether you’re returning to repurchase your favourite items or exploring new additions to our collection, we’re here to make your experience even better.

Our team has been working hard to bring you exciting updates, exclusive offers, and personalised recommendations tailored just for you.

Thank you for choosing us once again!”

Give a Warm Welcome Message to Your Customers with Podium

Aside from making sure your welcome message is written perfectly, you will also need the right tools to relay your message. Podium has everything you need to give a warm welcome to your customers.

Podium is an all-in-one platform that helps small businesses build and nurture their relationship with customers. The platform offers a website chat, review tools, and text marketing solutions, to mention a few.

With Podium’s website chat solution, businesses can engage with their customers in real-time, providing personalised assistance and a friendly greeting right from the moment they land on the website. You can configure the bot to send the right messages to the right people at the right time.

If your purpose in sending welcome messages is to gather reviews, you can take advantage of Podium’s review tool. The reviews tool makes it easier to request and collect feedback from customers. You can generate as many reviews as you need to boost your online reputation.

You can send all these messages through Podium’s text marketing software. This tool enables users to send warm welcome messages, exclusive offers, personalised updates, and much more directly to your customer’s mobile devices. With text messaging, there’s a lower chance your message gets ignored or thrown into the junk file unread.

By leveraging Podium’s comprehensive tools, small businesses can establish a genuine connection with their customers, leaving a lasting positive impression.


What is a welcome message?

In a nutshell, a welcome message is a brief communication or greeting that is extended to individuals or groups when they first interact with a business or enter a specific platform, such as a website or mobile app.

How do you greet a customer over text?

When greeting a customer over text, start with a friendly and professional tone. Begin these SMS messages with a simple greeting like “Hello” or “Hi,” followed by their name or a general term like “valued customer.” Be concise and polite, and express gratitude for their engagement or interest.

How do you start a welcome message?

To start a welcome message:

  1. Use a warm and inviting tone.
  2. Begin with a personalised greeting, such as “Hi [Customer Name]!”
  3. Follow it with a brief introduction, expressing your excitement to have them as customers and offering assistance or information they may need.

What should you avoid in a welcome message?

In a welcome message, avoid using excessive jargon or technical language that might confuse the recipient. Steer clear of long paragraphs and keep the message concise and easy to read. Additionally, avoid overwhelming the customer with too much information or making unrealistic promises.

Do not include spammy words in your subject line or more than one call-to-action in a welcome message.

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