Boost Your Sales Game: 11 Tips and Tricks for Car Salesmen

Logan Wooden Headshot

Logan WoodenProduct Marketing Manager, Retail

Discover 11 tips and tricks for salesmen to help your dealership increase sales and improve the customer experience.
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Becoming a car salesman takes some time, effort, and skill. But becoming an excellent car salesman takes some finesse. You need to have a deep understanding of people and how they work, as well as understand cars and the details it takes to sell them. More than that, you should follow some of the available tips for salespeople.

Boost Your Sales Game: 11 Tips and Tricks for Car Salesmen

We have collected 11 of the best tips for car salesman. Keep reading to get all the details so you can start integrating these with your advertising strategy.

1. Know your customers.

The first step to having a good sales pitch is to know your customer and not attempt to pitch. Build trust and rapport with your potential car buyers. Identify their needs and preferences and determine what kind of budget they are working with. Try to approach this step as more of a conversation than a sales pitch. That said, the conversation should always be working toward one goal: the sale of a vehicle.

2. Remember names.

When you talk about knowing a customer, one of the first details to remember is their name. If you aren’t good at remembering names, start training yourself by writing down names or coming up with codes to help you recall people. One good trick is to use their name as soon as you learn it. You can do this intentionally by saying, “Nice to meet you, [Name]” or “And what type of car are you looking for, [Name]?” Then, repeat it to yourself silently. It can also help to mentally link the name to a visual aspect of the person. For example, if the client’s name is Bonnie, maybe you will tell yourself that she is or isn’t wearing a bonnet.

By remembering your clients’ names, you can better personalise conversations. You will also show them that they are a valued customer.

3. Apply active listening.

It’s important for you to pay attention to what your customers tell you and what is not being said. Help them clarify their needs by asking targeted questions. Address any concerns they have, such as making payments, having enough room for all the children, and fuel efficiency. Being mindful of their concerns is the kind of conversation you should have instead of trying to sell to them right away. Assessing all their needs and actively listening to what they want from a car will help you sell them the car they need.

As you actively listen, be sure to ask appropriate questions that will help you identify your customer’s specifications. For example, ask about their must-haves and preferences. Ask who will be driving the car, what type of traffic they will be driving in, and how much storage or passenger room they need.

Once you ask questions, remember to listen actively. Your goal is to listen about twice as much as you talk. This ratio will help show that you listen to your customers rather than talking over them. In doing so, you prevent giving off a pushy impression. After all, a salesperson who talks over clients appears to be pushing the sale. You especially want to allow for silence on a test drive. This gives car shoppers peace and quiet to get to know their potential new car.

4. Don’t be pushy.

Old-school sales tactics would have you pushing your clients into a vehicle they can neither afford nor want. These days, it is more important to make the correct sale. You want to get your customers into the right car, not push something more expensive on them just to boost your sales.

Remember that by helping your customer choose the appropriate car, you will deliver a better customer experience. You can also build a relationship with the client, who will feel like you have their best interests in mind, and tell friends and family about their shopping experience.

Of course, avoiding being pushy doesn’t mean that you can’t move customers along in the sales process. Just be mindful not to repeat yourself. Try a broad question, like “Could you see yourself driving this car?” instead of a pushy statement like “Are you ready to buy?” Your goal is to prime the buyer but not give them too many options or make them feel cornered.

5. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software.

Your customer relationship management software should become your best friend if you want to know the best way to sell a car. It helps you keep track of customer details, including the conversations you’ve had and their backgrounds. Your CRM will help notify you of sales opportunities, so you can better manage your customer relationships and, therefore, overall customer satisfaction.

6. Make eye contact and use non-verbal communication wisely.

Eye contact is an important part of any relationship. Making sure you use eye contact effectively will help you build rapport and make a connection with the client. Effective eye contact aims for five seconds of looking at the customer before smiling. Less than this can make you seem impatient, while longer than this can seem creepy or unnatural.

From there, make sure to do what you say and be honest and transparent with your potential clients. Establishing good eye contact in the beginning will help you through the sale, as well as help build your relationship.

While eye contact helps you build a relationship and convey honesty, be mindful of other aspects of your body language, such as making sure you don’t fidget and show any signs of impatience.

7. Save discussions on price for the end.

You need to establish a couple of things before you start discussing the price of the car. You don’t want to shock your potential clients before they even purchase. You also don’t need to discuss the details or value of the trade-in until later.

If you must delay discussions on the price, what do you talk about first? You can focus on customer needs, as mentioned earlier. By following those sales tactics, you will build a vehicle’s value. Remember that the best way to sell a car is to focus on the needs of the client and deliver a stress-free buying experience, not to upsell the extended warranty or a more expensive auto.

8. Treat every customer equally.

A good car salesman makes sure to treat each potential customer consistently. Don’t judge customers’ potential to buy based on looks, gender, race, or how they dress. You may make a wrong judgment, losing a sale in the end. As such, this is one of the most important tips for a car salesman.

Treat your customers equally, taking special care to ensure you give everyone the same attention, respect, and consideration.

Remember that treating customers well does more than just help you get a sale. It also enables you to build a reputation as a helpful, respectful salesperson. It will also speak well of the car dealership. Between word-of-mouth referrals and online reviews, this will lead to more sales by attracting customers. So, even if a customer has a smaller budget than you would like, make sure you regard them with the same level of respect and attention as you would give to customers with bigger budgets.

9. Understand your product.

Make sure you know your automotive product thoroughly. Whether selling a large commercial truck or a small compact car, study the details so you can effectively discuss and sell the vehicle. Does it get good mileage? Is it popular? What problems is it known to have after 100,000 miles? All these details can make or break a sale, so they should be part of your sales training. In the case of a used car, make sure you take note of its history.

Your goal is to be able to answer all questions confidently and accurately. If you can’t currently answer a question, take the time to educate yourself. At the same time, have resources or references on hand if you don’t know the answer off the top of your head. Accurate information is valuable to customers since they will make a significant investment in their chosen vehicle.

In addition to knowing your product, you need to understand the most important details about your competitor’s models, especially those similar to the car you are selling. Familiarise yourself with competing brands and models, as this will enable you to guide your customers. Of course, you don’t need to know as many details about the competing vehicles, but you should know enough to answer the basics and show why your model is a better fit.

There is a fine line between highlighting how your model is a better option and talking negatively about the competition. Refrain from criticising other car dealers or automakers. Instead of focusing on the negatives of other autos or dealerships, focus on the positives of yours.

10. Avoid discussing payments until the price is settled.

You won’t have the final price of the car until you work through all pertinent details with your customer. Perhaps they want to upfit their truck. Maybe they need a higher trim level for the compact car they are looking at. These details are best left to discuss closer to the close of the sale.

Once you reach the end of the sale, focus on the price of the vehicle before you bring up the payment. Negotiate the price and then talk about payment methods, such as encouraging customers to finance through your dealership. This will reduce confusion and improve the customer experience. It also gives your customers fewer figures to keep in mind, such as monthly payments, the down payment, and overall cost. As a bonus, it streamlines the handoff to your finance manager.

11. Follow up and offer delightful customer service.

Once you have sold the vehicle, your job isn’t done. You shouldn’t completely let go of attending to your customer once the sale is final. You want to keep the connection for the duration of your customers’ vehicle purchases. This entails following up on the sale, giving them a call, and making sure the process is going smoothly. If they have some trouble, make it right for your customer. By going the extra mile, your customers will be talking about the wonderful experience they had working with you.

Your goal is to provide exceptional service, so you can build a long-term customer relationship. You communicate that you care when you follow up on a car purchase. The customer will likely keep you in mind for their next auto purchase.

Drive Your Car Sales With Podium

Podium makes it easy for you and your team to improve communications with customers. Add Webchat to your site to collect leads, manage all conversations with customers in a single Inbox, and upload relevant customer information from your Podium to your CRM. Use that information to connect with your customers by sending personalised messages. In Podium, you’ll also see customer information when you use Podium to talk on the phone to make it easy to follow up on their experience. You can even ask satisfied customers to leave reviews via text.

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